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Posts posted by mufid

  1. When else did you catch the Joker speaking straight truths???

    yeah you're right...

    it came to me after the movie and i couldn't really remember if batman said that he would go get rachel or if gordon should go.

    if i think about it, this is so cruel. you have to choose between 2 people, and you choose the one you like more but then you end up saving the other...

  2. one thing i didn't get was when the joker gave batman the locations of dent and rachel. i think i remember that batman said to gordon that he goes for rachel, which means that gordon would go for dent. but then batman saved dent, so does that mean that the joker gave him the wrong addresses?

  3. No, it was in the last 5 minutes of the movie. Gordon was speaking on a podium with a big picture of Dent in the background about how Dent was not the hero that gotham deserved, but the one it needed.

    what the...the version i saw ended with batman speeding away on his batpod from the dogs and gordon talking to his son...weird

  4. i somewhere read that there was a memorial/funeral for/of dent in the movie but i didn't see it?? was it after the credits?

    i actually hope they don't bring him back for part 3...cause we have already seen him for a whole movie...we know him as the good guy, we know how he turned crazy and we know what his plan was...if they make him the next villian it could be pretty boring

  5. don't know, wasn't that bad...but i don't think that it could act as the end of the x-files...the whole movie you hope that you get at least a few answers, but you don't, and so you think the movie was kind of senseless...you could have lived without it cause there was nothing new

  6. Well I need a new haircut...but i don't know what to get...

    I want something that looks a bit vintage and classy, like ww2 or 1950s inspired, but i just can't find good pictures

    where do you guys get your inspirations from?

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