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Posts posted by unders

  1. @81FXR I think LVC are running the 701 at the moment: https://www.levi.com/US/en_US/levis-vintage-clothing/levis-vintage-clothing-for-women/1950s-701-womens-jeans/p/507010036

    edit: actually, looking at the silhouette pictures of these, they don’t fit the bill - look very tapered which I wouldn’t expect from a 50s model (but I’m no expert on women’s fits). 

  2. I’m not sure if this brand has been mentioned in these parts before, P Denim or Pippins Denim. Made in Sheffield but the founder recently sold out to a company based in Leeds.  Here’s their instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/pdenimofficial?igsh=MTNhZXA4MXpnM2c1Yg==

    Denim is from Candiani and stitched in Sheffield, although I’m not sure whether that had changed since it changed hands. 

    These are the pair that is being passed down my boys. Currently with the middle one  (with the littlest wearing Ryan’s Nippers). 




  3. 54 minutes ago, Double 0 Soul said:

    @unders what do those Hyper7 switches do?

    Some of them are £30 and some of them are £160 for.. what to my untrained eye, looks like the same piece of plastic, just a different colour?

    No idea 00. The boy’s into them and I know chuff all. I’m sceptical that any set of keys can be worth those prices. The stuff my kid buys are about £15 a set so far more palatable. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, MJF9 said:

    My lad's football comeback after 3 months off with kids growth / sports injury postponed today... it's 5C and the ground is good... boo hiss to the excessive health and safety police

    Rubbish. ‘cos the ground’s too hard? When I were a lad we played rugby on frozen ground, it’s good for your minerals. 

  5. @Double 0 Soul I’m no expert but the lad says it helps his gaming (something to do with how quick the key springs back when he’s smashing the living daylights out of it) and he gets satisfaction from the clacks, as you said. 

    You can also get novelty key caps. For instance I’ve got these ‘Duckeys’ on the way for him: 


    The prices some of the keyboards can get silly, but the vintage inspired ones look pretty cool. Here’s a very self-aware funny:


    Good luck to the kids on their hike. Even more luck to you in locating them tonight…

  6. @Cucoo My eldest son is massively into keyboards and switches too. Every birthday and Christmas over the past few years he’s added to his collection. His goal is to get the loudest, clackiest keys he can find - we can hear him through the whole house!

    I ask him how many keyboards does he need. He responds how many jeans do I need. Little sod. 

  7. What @Geeman said. Also, I think we’re doing the kids a bit of a disservice. To us they all look the same, but within their circles I’m sure there are many distinctions and subtleties in their style choices that make their clothing world as rich as ours. I’m also pretty confident that in my youth I’ll have worn a shitload of designs/emblems/characters that I had no clue of the real meaning of, and that’s all part of growing up - wisdom doesn’t come to us in early life and we shouldn’t expect it of these kids. 

  8. @Broark My heart skipped a few beats when I read you were stranded in Reading. Thankful to see you made it to Oxford. Nothing wrong with Reading per se, but wouldn’t put it on the list of places for someone crossing the pond to visit! 

    Fully agree we’ve made an art out of daytime drinking. 

    Glad you and Mrs Broark had a great time. If you’re back outside of Xmas it should hopefully be easier for a Sufu meet-up :smile:


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