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Posts posted by todesengel

  1. Ian might be the gayest store I've ever stepped foot in. I've made sure to never go back.

    A lot of their stuff (Diesel, G-Star, DSquared) is pretty....bad, but during their sales they have really big discounts on a lot of the same stuff Blackbird carries (Gilded Age, B. Son, etc)

    Also confirming that the big black guy is nice.

  2. I'm possibly down for something, most definitely if it involves pooling our collective power/hookups/supergayness for discounts at Blackbird/Goods/etc

  3. Why don't these asshats stop faking jeans and just start a quality company? If I ebay fake levi's will I get anything?

    Because people go on Ebay looking for Levis, not some startup Thai company. Those probably cost about $10 to make, and they'll probably sell them for $50. That's a pretty healthy profit for Thailand.

  4. Oldboy has been mentioned, but you really should see the whole trilogy (Oldboy, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Lady Vengeance) to get the full experience. I liked Mr. Vengeance the most of the 3.

  5. OK, there's an SFer in my Chinese class. Whoever you are, flash me the SuFu gang sign next class so we don't have to get into a turf war

  6. Full disclosure: I don’t think people have to be interested and knowledgeable in all creative fields but someone who has only mediocre (as in desperately average) taste and interest in pretty much everything is a certified moron. You don’t have to like Nabi painters, Robert Kappa, conceptual fashion design and sparse Japanese architecture to have my esteem but if you don’t care to dig deeper and share with others your passion for anything beyond what’s in front of you you’re just too boring for me. So the test isn’t “what do people like” but “do they like anything and can they communicate, eloquently and with depth their passion to others”.

    Well said, that pretty much sums it up for me as well.

  7. Yea fun times in the 3 block radius around my apartment. But that's why I got my OTS ninja mask hoodie CAUSE NOBODY FUCKS WITH A NINJA BITCH

    also I live on Brooklyn so your turf is safe... for now

  8. Glad I'm not the only once who noticed this weird trend. I'm a junior, and also live next to the Ave above the greeks. If you see an incredibly handsome guy studying at either Shinka or Zoka, its probably me.

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