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Posts posted by damnIam

  1. History Preservation has a really awesome Rangoon shirt. WWII impressions makes the British Airtex like the desert rats wore and it is really nice. Go to INDYGEAR.com it has about half a dozen links to similar shirts. I like it too!

  2. Yeah, I got some good thread. When you say pockets to the outseam do you mean the back pockets? I kind of noticed the back pockets on mine are really far apart and it does look kind of funky, but they fit really good to so I guess I will deal with it. If mine were darker I would move the pocket too.

  3. If your going to do it, check out some pics first. The placement/color of patches and the like can look really strange when done wrong, especially when the jeans look too new for mending. I really like the look of (I think it is called darning), where the holes are sewed over with a piece of denim on the inside of the hole.

  4. Mine pair actually have full selvage with one side a real faded blue and the other side is yellow. How do think they will look converted to button fly or do you think I should just replace the blown out Gripper Zipper with a modern one from the tailor. I have taken out old zippers on khakis and replaced them with button flys but never with jeans.

  5. I carry, not wear a bandanna, only in pocket (all the way in the pocket) and it is removed for wiping my glasses or for wiping sweat from my brow when working. Ocassionally, when it really gets hot I will tie it around my head to keep sweat out of my eyes. The only acceptable color is black or blue. Period. Any other gratitious use of a bandanna is unwise in my opinion.

  6. Quote:

    I'm surprised nobody mentioned the fact that a zippered fly is much easier to catch your dick in. Surely most of us males know what I mean when I regard to the pain of catching the tip of your shlong in the zipper of your pants.

    At least with a button fly, being intoxicated especially, I'm not at risk of becoming infertile.

    --- Original message by WhoGotMeIntoThis on Jan 31, 2006 10:15 PM

    The Beans or the Frank
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