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Posts posted by JesseJB

  1. This perspective is so tired, why's everyone so lazy? Read his books,

    visit his website. You can find out exactly what he stands for on a variety

    of issues.

    This whole "no one knows what his politics are!" argument is totally indicative of

    the sad state of american political affairs- people don't want to take the time to educate themselves and prefer candidates that lean hard on traditional leftist or rightist values 'cause its easier.


    But I must admit I havent read anything hes written on his website...purely just national news and magazine stories (NY Magazine, etc) about him. It just seems that they dont mention his policies as much as they do with other candidates. Just that we are supposed to think of him as a superstar and what have you.

    edit: Just viewed his website...read the issue stances. Still really vague. But I guess thats how all campaign websites are though.

  2. I know were being told that Barack is a superstar and whatnot..but WHY are we supposed to be all over him?? Everyones jumping on the bandwagon but no one can seem to tell me what his politics are! All I know is that hes pro-choice and good looking. Thats it. But why the hell should I vote for him?

  3. Im the most impeccably dressed at my bus stop!

    Man...sometimes not having a car is the smartest way to go. If I had one, I couldnt live in the city. I miss driving my Honda a lot...but its worth it to improve my living situation. Someday I will have a better job. And I'll get a car. Until then, since I only really wish I had a car for the sheer awesomeness of driving/working on it, it would be fiscally stupid for me to buy one. Besides, when a girl comes and visits you from the 'burbs, its just as easy to get her soaked in her jeans by hailing cabs to fancy restaurants. Its all situational.

  4. Im about to turn 24 and every year I seem to get increasingly more awesome. Because I can afford to be!

    And when youre older you can finally figure out how to pick up high school chicks. Riding around in a semi-expensive car after school gets out..man youll own the place!

  5. and one really important one: Cherokees.

    EVERYONE is Cherokee all of a sudden, it's infitnitely annoying. They always are quick to mention they are cherokee, but fuck if they can dance, sing, or tell me anything about their own culture. Even worse are the ones who try: buying a full-buckskin premade dance outfit, stepping awkwardly around the powwow, who the hell are you kidding? Put your goddamned poser minnetoka moccasins away, freaks.

    What's more, you have those american indian enthusiasts who have no idea what theyre doing, and just go to powwow after powwow taking pictures, asking questions, collecting mediocre jewelry, hanging dreamcatchers from their rearview mirrors, wishing they had a single ounce of american indian blood. Get a life!

    HOLY SHIT! Thats so true! I forgot about those people...

    Yeah EVERYONE that says they have Indian blood in them thinks theyre Cherokee!! Whenever someone says "oh I actually have some Indian blood in me" Ill ALWAYS say "let me guess...Cherokee?" And theyll be like "Yeah man, Cherokee..." never Flatheads or Iroquis or Aztec...always Cherokee!

  6. Aaaah that was some good times. Ill post the pic of us sitting in the sketchy Korean joint as soon as tinypic.com starts working again. My buddy that rolled with me ended up getting some serious "stomach issues" after we got back! lol

    But yeah we all definately need to hang out (and/or party) again soon.

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