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Posts posted by heartsandcrafts

  1. ^ my reaction too

    I'm a 30, i got a 28. At about four or five months now they arn't really tight in any places anymore but just right everywhere, however next time I buy apc I'll go 3 sizes down so that they will be a little tighter.

    They bunch up on top of high-tops, go over hi-top chucks with out any extra effort, and meet naturally with slip-on's, just covering the sock/shoe entrance area.

  2. JPGM, as long as you dont wear skateshoes, the ones the look like clown shoes no matter what, you will be fine. I wear my cures with Nike SB, Vans, Chucks, RTFT, whatever and it looks great. They arent really all that tapered.

  3. Word. I wouldn't be attracted to a girl in the first place if she didn't have style.

    I wouldn't really call any of us "fashionable" cuz what's in fashion is mass produced 'designer' jeans with random holes and shit just all over the place and some douchbaggy sunglasses.

    But you know that hot strung out girl at the bar wearing some seriously wack shit but really pulling it off. Style is that summation of the whole package, not just how cool the clothes you are wearing are on there own.

    But yeah, why would I want a girl that wasn't cooler than me in the first place? Personality is for chumps. (jk?)

  4. AFK: maybe the root of the flaw in your argument is that you associate all dudes wearing baggy clothes as Hip-Hop-Wanna-Be-Gangster. Whereas Mil's look is much more Skateboarding-Garbage-Man-From-The-Future.

    To say that all people who wear baggy clothes look the same or are going for the same wanna be gangster look is like saying all asians look the same, for all electronic music sounds like techno. It just shows that you aren't well enough versed to appreciate the differences.

  5. regarding the whole milspex argument,

    its pretty safe to say that milspex has one of the most individual looks on this forum, and lots of people seem to respect the consistency and confidence in the way he wears his clothes. the fact that his clothes are baggy dosent matter if it fits his persona and he wears them well.

    if your going to attack someone about baggy clothes, choose a wearing some ridiculous t-shirt and some matching patent leather sneakers.

  6. excuse my brevity, but i liked the original compositions better. and you definitely cant just turn one photo in a series into sepia, seems so arbitrary.

    the last one is one of my favorites, it is so telling, down to the bottle of soda being used as a pipe.

  7. darkanimal


    The way I see it, and this is reading too much into it, but you hair cut changes the way your outfit reads. The the messy, long bangs, whatever, hair make your outfit read more juvenile in a dark way, like people have said. "emo"

    Where as a short or well kept or just something more short, sleek, classic, whatever (not to say you cant take a classic masculine haircut and make it a little edgy, in fact, that is what im saying you should do). Would make you look sharp/clean/mature and would emphasis the the cool, grungy, punky, dark, good aspects of your outfit.

    Picture mouko (is that his username?) with messy hair vs his short hair.

    but uh, it your hair, and its not THAT big of a deal

  8. I dunno, I'd say that the waist stretching out too much is probably the best place for something to stretch out too much if something is going to stretch out to much. (generally) your waist is usually covered by your shirt or something, and being stretched out too much wouldn't really detract too much from the look of the jean. You should be more concerned with the thigh/crotch area IMO. So umm, I think by the sound of your description you should be alright.

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