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Posts posted by tm

  1. i personally would not get something that doesn't mean anything to me, but thats just me.

    i could careless what the other man/woman got on their skin. i'll have a slight thought in my mind looking at them and move on.

  2. Hello everyone. It was cold and rainy today in Stratford, so I wore this jacket by H&M. Underneath it, just peeking through the cuffs is my vintage Dior cardigan that Jordie bought me for Christmas a few years ago, and under that just a boring old white t-shirt. The grey woolen scarf was hand-knitted by Dolly, and helps keep me cozy. The pants are Robert Geller, and the shoes are some Jack Purcell's I got at Winners for $30 - what a find! I also carry a Church's umbrella with my when it rains - I bought it in France in May, when it rained non-stop. Thank you for looking at what I wore today.


    Last edited by Clopek : 7 hours ago at 06:53 PM. reason: oh ho! I mixed up Chuck Taylor and Jack Purcell! There is no such thing as a Jack Taylor!


  3. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b162/akfgfan14/Photo3-1.jpg[/imghttp://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b162/akfgfan14/Photo4-2.jpg[/img

    i kinda wanna give up most goth ninja stuff i own and wear this every day for the rest of my life.

    geller hoodjacket

    band of outsiders charcoal overdye

    our legacy tee

    apc NS

    burkman bros hankercheif (backpocket steez no mo)


    you should, look a lot more comfortable and effortless than some of the goth ninja fit you post.

  4. this is like if cotton duck fucked some cwg but instead of just wearing his shirt the next morning and looking hot she took all of his clothes, except his shoes obviously didn't fit so she just wore hers.

    hahahahaha fucking awesome.

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