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Posts posted by soleindahole

  1. Quote:

    you know if you zip it all the way up you wont be able to see right? so why would you want that? do you want to look like kenny?


    Edited by soleindahole on Oct 1, 2005 at 06:31 PM

    Edited by soleindahole on Oct 1, 2005 at 06:31 PM

    --- Original message by soleindahole on Oct 1, 2005 06:29 PM

    come on, you still don't get it? everyone wants to be like this.


    --- Original message by evlhunter on Oct 1, 2005 07:15 PM

    the hell, lol
  2. you know if you zip it all the way up you wont be able to see right? so why would you want that? do you want to look like kenny?


    Edited by soleindahole on Oct 1, 2005 at 06:31 PM

    Edited by soleindahole on Oct 1, 2005 at 06:31 PM

  3. yeah thats much better , yeah the 47s compared to 44 is much slimmer fit, thanks. puts everything to perspective. because i thought the first photos you put up where the 47s ,thats why i asked if they were little on baggy side. from the looks of it 47s is more of my pref. thanks plus.

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