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Posts posted by bapesta

  1. have you guys seen the tee they did with sarcastic? I reckon they're hot....is sarcastic also japs brand?

    I wAnT tO wAkE iN tHe CiTy ThAt NeVeRsLePp

    Edited by bapesta on Aug 17, 2005 at 07:59 AM

  2. can anyone tell me, a must go shop in singapore please...Iám into street wear stuff (jeans, tee and sneakers) and prefer underground brands(surrender,bounty hunter etc etc)

    thx guys...

    I wAnT tO wAkE iN tHe CiTy ThAt NeVeRsLePp

    Edited by bapesta on Jul 10, 2005 at 11:46 PM

  3. Quote:

    the 47s rainbow theyre made in italy u compare them to the nashville from japan and the 47s are inferior!

    --- Original message by witts on Jul 2, 2005 04:14 AM

    I rebember, you've got the nashiville rite? what's the colour of the selvage?

    I wAnT tO wAkE iN tHe CiTy ThAt NeVeRsLePp

  4. Quote:

    I like blue blood a lot I don't think they are over designed in any way. Why are you guys paying in Pounds. That's just crazy.

    --- Original message by DenimBar1 on Jul 1, 2005 12:37 PM

    where r u located? have you got the blue blood dry selvage? I saw some poeple rocking one of those....what the price?

    I wAnT tO wAkE iN tHe CiTy ThAt NeVeRsLePp

  5. I'am just a poor guy man...my friend are rich :) PANDON is selling in damn expensive price! US$135 for BBC tee? what a rip off.....I do mind to get rape...that is why I asked u guys where to get with a good price....

    I wAnT tO wAkE iN tHe CiTy ThAt NeVeRsLePp

  6. need help guys....I'am going to ask my friend to hook me up with some BAPE stuff. he live in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. is there any shop around thet area that keep BAPE stuff? I don't mind to pay little more than retail price, as long as still reasonable

    thank's guys....

    I wAnT tO wAkE iN tHe CiTy ThAt NeVeRsLePp

  7. Quote:

    i think ace-web does, but not stay246

    --- Original message by hahnstch on Jun 24, 2005 05:24 AM

    what's the website for ace-web?

    I wAnT tO wAkE iN tHe CiTy ThAt NeVeRsLePp

  8. what's their web site? I knew about concept shop, their price is reasonable. but, the charge ridiculous amout for shipping + 4% add of the total for pay pal :( that's make it real expensive

    I wAnT tO wAkE iN tHe CiTy ThAt NeVeRsLePp

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