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Posts posted by NatseOklim

  1. Been messing about with NFC. Unfortunately due to some weird bug, I can't get it to work with tasker, but I now have stickers by my bed that dim my screen, silence all notifications, turn my lock screen off, and each set alarms for different times. I've also got a sticker on my business card case that directs to my website, and a sticker for work that turns on a bunch of alarms I need.

  2. First time doing front squats last night and also the first time getting ATG on the squats for 65kg. Got so much lower than back squats it's amazing. Also, first time doing the prescribed weight on a WOD at crossfit. 40kg thrusters, then burpee box jumps. 12 minute ladder (2,4,6,8...) for as many reps as you can. Managed to get up to 12 reps.

  3. Any tips for holding the bar better in low bar back squats? Did them for the first time today, after usually doing high bar. Managed 90kg, easy enough on the actual squat, but I kept feeling I was going to drop the bar.

  4. Double unders, but even normal skipping. I can manage about 30 or so before I catch the rope on something. Just needs practice I guess. Not being able to do DU hurt me though tonight, WOD included 30 DU or to be replaced with 90 normal. Took much longer.

  5. So what I've discovered most from crossfit so far, is how bad I am at skipping. Managed to do 4 sets of 10 reps on handstand pushups today though as part of the WOD, which I'm very happy with.

  6. Due to having a cold and deciding to do 2 hours of BJJ the same day, I was absolutely dead the next day after CF. It was a gymnastics WOD, I was able to do all of the exercises, but not for very long, so that meant it couldn't be pushed as hard as possible. Those O-Rings are very awkward beasts! Going to try another class tomorrow, hoping it's some olympic lifts this time.

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