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I ordered this Celluloid/Warehouse anniversary jacket - the WW2 Tailor jacket - in early 2024 and it finally came. It’s a coarse/rough/chunky feeling denim, quite dark, unwashed. AFAIK They call it their WW2 denim. When I ordered I somehow missed the bit about the delivery date and thought it was in stock, only to find out it was going to be the better part of a year. Color is most accurate in the close up picture of the placket and the sleeve. https://www.celluloid1984.com/?pid=180239828 It’s sort of combination of Duck Digger and Dead Stock Blue. Apparently they only made 60 of them. I’m a little nervous about the shrunk fit in the shoulders, but everywhere else definitely needs the shrink. This one really was sort of a shot in the dark but it was too unique a piece for me to pass up when it came out. It’s funny how tastes slowly change - I’m not sure I would order it now if it popped up, but I’m not mad that it’s finally here. This doesn’t count as a 2025 buy! If it doesn’t shrink up to a good fit throughout I will probably let it go, but I’m hoping it does!11 points
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Yes, both are Power Wear. It’s usually listed in the specific name of the product and you can tell with the cuffs being a different shape (though I’m not 100% if that is always the case). The “special heavy weight” that I’ve seen has the sleeve cuff that angles back to a point on the inner side of the wrist/forearm. From what I’ve experienced, the cut and fit is pretty similar between the two - take your normal size. Pics of the tags and cuffs below. I’ll try to get a detail shot of the pile inside the sweat to show the difference. It looks roughly twice as thick and I think it’s quite warm and insulating for a cotton sweatshirt. FW folks feel free to add or correct anything I missed or got wrong.6 points
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When i got up for work this morning there was a hand written note from my kid on the kitchen side "Hi Dad, We're making pasta.. mum knows" At some point in the night, my kid and whichever friends were staying over decided to make some pasta, the kitchen was an absolute bombsite, sink pilled high with pots and pans, some of the ingredients they've used (mince and such) we didn't have so they must have been to the shop at 12.30am.. there was half an onion on top of a kilner jar of flour.. chopped face down, olives on the floor, remnants of roughly chopped garlic on the chopping board and a tin of kidney beans they'd opened and not used? .. they'd used 4 pans to make a sauce ... it was total chaos, i just left it and went to work..6 points
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Had a go at the cheaper glasses today. Thanks for the tips! It didn’t go terribly and the acetate is super easy to work with. Only issue was I broke a lens putting it back in. No big deal as it was the ‘test’ pair. I’m confident I could probably get the ‘proper’ ones looking nice but I’m not comfortable with the risk. As well as being quite expensive, it’s not always easy to get hold of the Japanese Tart AR so it would be a big risk to mess with them. Here’s the ones I sanded: And a photo of the original Tart Arnel with a photo of my ‘repro’ ones where you can see the difference. Subtle, but a difference nonetheless. Originals: Mine:5 points
Did the mods delete it without discussing with anyone....?😉5 points
I have been around the denim, menswear and contemporary fashion world for way too long and my notion of "expensive" is so distorted. Haha. $350-$450 for their raw or rinsed jeans seems totally pedestrian to me and thanks to you lot, I'm having to fight the urge to go visit their NYC shop. I've wanted a pair since first seeing them on a Jean Shop client circa 2008/2009.5 points
It's a 'poor-mans' mahogany.. inasmuch as, there was an embargo put on mahogany in (i think) 2001 to stop illegal logging in SA.. after this time the timber merchants were looking for a replacement with similar characteristics / availability, eventually settling on poplar, i do have shit-loads of 20+ yr old mahogany in stock but i can't provide it as a material without documentation to prove it came from plantation sources.. I like poplar too.. it's a little less stable than mahogany and a little more prone to movement but it doesn't turn your hands purple when you're working with it... When we went to Brazil.. years ago, all the cheap hotel rooms are entirely furnished with mahogany, solid mahogany bed, wardrobes, doors, even the walls were clad with is, it was just the cheapest most abundant material4 points
4 points
Bad experience with Marrkt today. Pair of Real Mccoys jeans popped up on the site this week, I know their jeans get slated here but it's an itch from years back so I thought why not. Marrkt had them listed as very good condition and one product image showed a heavy crease and bit of fading to the rear of one leg. I reached out via live chat to see how bad the fading was (the jeans are still really dark, with no visible wear). They were helpful and actually went to physically check the pair for me. Came back and said crease will iron out and there's was a bit of fading that would be unnoticeable with a bit of wear..... They arrived today and basically the jeans are f**ked. The crease on the back of the leg is @ 8 inches long and has significant fading the entire length of the crease. Both legs, inseam and outseam have sharp creasing and pretty heavy fading running from waistband/crotch to hem. Looks like they have been soaked and then folded wet and left like that. Pretty pissed off with their product description and having to pay shipping and returns!3 points
Thanks.. the green is poplar / tulipwood, when i buy it, in rough sawn planks it's mainly a sandy colour with veins of green and to a lesser extent purple running through so i cut those 'character' bits out and save them for something special.. the other woods are mahogany, american white oak and ash, there is a construction post somewhere on the forum? .. but i can't find it3 points
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Thought that might be poplar. Very underrated wood imo, has some really unique colors, is easy to machine, and is pretty damn cheap too. Needed some hardwood for a guitar amp and speaker cabinet i built and settled on poplar since it was when lumber was ridiculously expensive. Was very pleased with how it turned out.2 points
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Good luck on the search @UkeNo I’ve been wearing the normal weight sweatshirt a lot the past two weeks and it’s great. Even fits nicely under my type 11 point
You've made a good job of those!1 point
That’s correct yes, they’re more straight down from the knee, the 47’s have more of a taper. They are indeed made of the exact same fabric yes! Missed your initial mention of the WW2 pair sorry, from looking at the Denime chart a few pages back it does look as though they will be made of a different fabric. I’m keen on picking those up as well, though they won’t get any wear for ~18 months or so, depending on when they are produced! I sized the same in both, the waist is a few cm bigger in the 54’s but with the rest of the measurements coming in similar I went with the same size, and it worked out just right. As said, the waist is slightly bigger. The rises are marginally lower, the thigh is marginally wider, then there’s less taper from the knee down.1 point
I’ll echo the Deluxeware recommendation, mostly out of selfish curiosity to see what they’re like.1 point
^Never got a good fit on any of my pairs either, but they finally make a size 38 so I'll eventually get around to it once I'm in Japan. Purchasing from their international shops is also way too rich for me, though I love basically anything/everything they do from a fashion brand perspective. Staff in Japan are always so incredibly nice as well1 point
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New engineer boot and boots/shoes contender, out of Tokyo, just started selling this month called Archive Tokyo. Can’t tell if they’re sold out already, Mr. Olive sells the brand on their site as well. More of the brand: https://www.mr-olive.net/fs/mrolive/c/archivetokyo www.archivetokyo.com Edit:Sold out but watch out for the brand.1 point
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Update on my 132s, they have been washed four times now i believe and worn close to four months. Got bitten by a german shepherd a couple days ago, fortunately not hurt badly but the dog did tear a good hole in the left thigh. You can see how little the indigo has faded compared to the fresh hem scrap i patched it with. In the mountains of Veracruz, super beautiful and not too hot this time of year! Riding south this morning:1 point
I will! ..from someone who lived in / was fully accustomed to fancy workboots.. they feel a bit weird and heavy, although.. i do like the height elevation, i'll be taller than the offspring again.. Oh.. one of the other reasons i sold off the boots collection, when my old LoneWolf Mechanics needed a resole, i couldn't find anyone in the UK who could do stitch-through, i bought them back in the days when the exchange rate was almost $2 to the pound but by the time they needed a resole, our ecconomy was fked and shipping them off to the US or JP for a resole would have cost more than buying a new pair so i had a collection of boots which could be rebuilt and noone capable of doing the job domestically.1 point