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    • Kapital, Sugar Cane (not visible), Ooe…and Blundstones which aren’t my fave but the default choice for shitkicking in the mud season here. 
    • an ooe tux flex of such caliber can never be called sedate; oh the bandanna... long may he flutter
    • understanding very much discussions above; good luck with the socialisation; takes a village to raise the child... (or via Lev Vgotsky; it is through others we becomes ourselves...) 1960s finnish army surplus (m62) / lvc 1870s / pecos  
    • Awesome thank you for the advice everyone. Excited to get these going 🙌🏼
    • comp or not, I have made my tux order: 46 jacket, 38w jeans (requested hemming to 80cm) cons: I need another jeans like holes in heads I need another jacket like a hole in wallet these jeans are not standard easy wear; slim-ish cut, yet thin material yes; one back pocket, no belt loop for keys etc. ultimate sloppy man baby diaper look pros; nostalgieeee: for those wanting 1990s jeans; this late 1800s models is reference from which Levis late 1990s twisted jeans was running (maybe more y2k refrance, but hey...) nostalgieeeeeeee 2: these were first model I got from lvc back in the late 90s; seeing as I run a trio of tcb, tender, lvc; wanna wee what tcb do with this original pair to build from having multiple lvc examples love of the meta; yes; no.2 as brand positioning... the first two Viktor's voice jackets don't look right (inc. lucky jeans): this is getting there more imo; mostly also tcb is obviously developing its own specific jacket pattern methodology of wide shoulders and sloppy fits: the numbers on this look squarer, even if not 'classic'... pockets looks excellent; both back pocket on jeans and front pocket on jacket yes to the styling in the shoot; not miner cosplay; more skatecore and sloppy old 'uns style: I appreciate that (definitely recommend not skating in any jeans with suspender buttons; had some nasty sk8 face-plants when wearing such jeans: they are placed to puncture skin in painful bony areas...); feeling this is a track suit more than anything...  want to see how the fabric ages; every tcb pair I've had has been a journey; even the 10oz bib overalls have a lot to give: I expect these will be giving a lot given the status play of making an 1890s from an original; not had natural indigo from them b4 huge plus: ultimate sloppy man baby diaper look; goes well with pecos and converse... experience: said this in all comp. threads; every tcb jean I have owned has shrunk to tagged waist size; more ppl have dropped out from jeans being too small rather than too big... wearing big on these across time also allows layering needed in winter... yes; 31cm front rise seems small, but is in line with the last cone 1870s lvc offering (picture uploaded here is said w.36 l.34 pair - from raw soaked - line dried, not machine washed ) - the back rise is the core matter... can definitely understand hesitancy in uptake for a comp. - its not classic 5 pocket jawns, jacket has particular character; but it is what it is... a marmite model...     
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