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    • The details aren't quite for me, but I appreciate Hajime's attention to detail and how open he is about the production process. I'm guessing these would be the contest pair, but I also haven't seen any confirmation.
    • @AlientoyWorkmachine Thanks dude for your supportive and thoughtful response, I appreciate it!
    • Worst case scenario @Broark, the SE Austin guys can probably build you a small apartment behind the shop...
    • I really like the one back pocket and overall design details, but am a little disappointed by the stated measurements... a 20cm leg opening in my size sounds ridiculously small (though i know it'll be a little bigger after a hem), and i would have also preferred an extra 2-3cm in the rise. i have several pairs of jeans that all have 28-30cm front rises and don't find that height comfortable or flattering, for me at least. But I am very curious about the denim and would probably still consider a pair if this is indeed the proposed pair TCB wants to use for the contest. Does anyone have any confirmation on whether that's their intention?   edit: i'll add that the most recent viktor's voice collab (good luck jeans) are much more up my alley. i would love to do a contest with those, lol!
  • Benzak Denim Developers
    European denim and lifestyle brand from Amsterdam

    Companion Denim
    Handcrafted denim from Barcelona

    Dawson Denim
    British made selvedge workwear from Hove

    Legendary Japanese denim brand

    Native American-owned denim line

    Japanese denim and streetwear from Tokyo

    Iron Heart
    Heavy duty denim

    Japanese denim

    Lone Flag
    Modern denim and menswear born in southern CA

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