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    • Progress on my DD-1001XX 1947. Just an unbelievably good fit and feel on these, soon to be unseated by the DSB 1000XX possibly but these are very special, and only getting better.  Unsurprisingly, in need of a preventative crotch stitch repair, but they’re looking great I think!  
    • Thank you and sorry for my late acknowledgment too!! My 1000XX have been hemmed and on way back to me, first impressions of the raw and then washed DSB are very pleasing indeed, softest and most pliable raw denim I’ve seen so far, I should have taken some photos up against the light of the back yolk, such a loose weave you could see light shining through all over! I’ll see if I can capture it in the washed fabric when they’re back with me.
    • New DAC corduroy hat // Warehouse // My late father’s Benelli coffee mug // TCB 
    • Depends on your country but since you wrote € you are in the EU. Everything you buy in Japan is without VAT but you have to pay that when you import it. And the above 150€ value you also have to pay customs fees which are 12% on top (IIRC). So for Germany, as an example, you would add 31% (19%+12%) when importing.
  • Benzak Denim Developers
    European denim and lifestyle brand from Amsterdam

    Companion Denim
    Handcrafted denim from Barcelona

    Dawson Denim
    British made selvedge workwear from Hove

    Legendary Japanese denim brand

    Native American-owned denim line

    Japanese denim and streetwear from Tokyo

    Iron Heart
    Heavy duty denim

    Japanese denim

    Lone Flag
    Modern denim and menswear born in southern CA

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