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    • Are you going to clean rivets with something like salt/vinegar paste?
    • You should go. Yen at 154… absolutely ridiculous. I’m totally fucked by that but please enjoy.  just note, that all tourist spots you’ve ever heard of are so insanely overcrowded with European and American tourists. I’m talking about 50% plus of the foot traffic is actually foreign. Probably not the Japanese experience people are looking for. But everyone has the same idea and that’s what it is. I’d stay away from that. 
    • WTB: Acronym J65-KM M (White) Located in Chicago PayPal ready to go
    • Damn, you are right! Didn't check my Tokyo model. So it's still some kind of detail for special models. The leather of the patch also seems to be different to the standard models. But no idea what animal it is from.  Measurements: W36 Waist: 36.5" Front rise: 12" Back rise: 16" Thighs: 14" Knee: 9.5" Leg opening: 9" Inseam: 35.75"
  • Benzak Denim Developers
    European denim and lifestyle brand from Amsterdam

    Companion Denim
    Handcrafted denim from Barcelona

    Dawson Denim
    British made selvedge workwear from Hove

    Legendary Japanese denim brand

    Native American-owned denim line

    Japanese denim and streetwear from Tokyo

    Iron Heart
    Heavy duty denim

    Japanese denim

    Lone Flag
    Modern denim and menswear born in southern CA

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